

    T seeks to implement grey-water treatment constructed wetlands within a modern, urban, mega-city slum context. Grey water in such a context is very different to that emanating...
  • IN-WOP

    Mind the Water Cycle Gap: Innovating Water Management Optimisation PracticeOptimisation is what you do if you run out of on innovative ideas. Current practice in integrated...

    Project proposes innovative, transdisciplinary approach, by enabling an access to the potential water resources, currently neglected, i.e. water evaporated during drying of high...
  • RainSolutions

    There is a need to close the demand and supply gap in terms of quantity and quality of water resources. Therefore, the project “Research-based Assessment of Integrated...
  • Model-based Global Assessment of Hydrological Pressure -GlobalHydroPressure

    The overarching objective of GlobalHydroPressure is to provide global model-based support for assessing and quantifying the fundamental hydrological pressure in basins...

    Tourism in the Mediterranean has increased significantly over the last decades, particularly in Benidorm and Rimini, two of the top-European (mass) tourist destinations. more
  • EnTruGo

    Enhancing Trust in government through effective water Governance strategies
  • WATERPEAT - Water management for sustainable use and protection of peatlands

    Peatlands are important in several regions as they contribute to many ecosystem services such as drinking water provision, biomass production and flood retention. When peatlands...

    The largest lakes in Nordic countries, which are among the most important raw water supplies for the major cities, are showing brownification i.e. increase in dissolved organic...

    The Mediterranean regions are subjected to a large variety of climates, ranging from arid to sub-humid with summers characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation. At...
  • IoT for Supervision and Control of Water Systems

    IoT for Supervision and Control of Water Systems Water transport and distribution systems must be carefully monitored and operated to avoid water losses, to save energy and to...

  • EviBAN

    Evidence based assessment of NWRM for sustainable water management. EviBAN will increase the knowledge on evidence based, sustainable management of water resources. This will be...
  • Water Harmony

    The Water Harmony project closes the gap between the demand and supply in water, related to quality, quantity, circularity, reusability, human safety and economic feasibility. More
  • Mass development of aquatic macrophytes - causes and consequences of macrophy...

    Mass development of aquatic macrophytes - causes and consequences of macrophyte removal for ecosystem structure, function, and services. Mass development of aquatic macrophytes...
  • Micro- and nanoplastics as carriers for the spread of chemicals and antibioti...

    Micro and NANOplastics as CARRIERS for the spread of chemicals and antibiotic resistance in the aquatic envirnment An estimated 300 million tons of plastic were produced...
  • iAqueduct

    An integrative information aqueduct (iAqueduct) is proposed to close the gaps between global satellite observation of water cycle and local needs of information for...
  • Innovative Decentralized and low cost treatment systems for Optimal Urban was...

    Innovative Decentralized and low cost treatment systems for Optimal Urban wastewater Management. Reuse of treated wastewater is increasingly seen as one of the solutions to...
  • Control4Reuse - Process Control Technologies for Water Reuse

    Control4Reuse is aimed at research and development of technologies for managing water resources. The optimization of water treatment and reclamation systems has been integrated...
  • ATeNaS

    ATeNaS merges innovative approaches in the field of water storage and purification based on NBSs. This was pointed by EC (20156) as the most promising area to generate green...
  • BlooWater

    Supporting tools for the integrated management of drinking water reservoirs contaminated by Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Cyanobacteria, known as blue-green algae, under...
  • Sense and Purify - Spy

    The “Sense and Purify” SPy technology allows organic molecules and pathogens, that cannot be destroyed using conventional wastewater treatments, to be mineralised to carbon...

    The aims of the research presented in this pre-proposal is to propose an improvement of tools and criteria for groundwater management in urban areas to ensure the sustainability...
  • MarAdentro - Managed Aquifer Recharge: Assessing the Risks of Recharging Rege...

    Severe shortage in good quality water reserves is a global problem that will increase with a growing world population. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) will contribute to...

    The research program addresses the issue of household water demand management. Prima facie, it aims to provide a socio-economic assessment of green nudging policies, focusing on...
  • SMART-Control

    Smart framework for real-time monitoring and control of subsurface processes in managed aquifer recharge applications. The main objective of the SMART-Control project is to...