WE-NEED: WatEr NEEDs, availability, quality and sustainability
Groundwater (GW) is a major source of water supply in Europe. This natural resource is endangered by several factors, such as improper water management policies, including... -
INXCES - INnnovations for eXtreme Climatic Events
The main objectives of INXCES are: (1) development of innovative methods for risk assessment, (2) mitigation methods for extreme hydroclimatic events, (3) optimization of... -
ABAWARE - Advanced biotechnology for intensive – freshwater aquaculture waste...
Aquaculture is currently estimated to be the fastest-growing area of food production in the world. Although aquaculture can provide an important food source, these types of... -
Water Harmony
The Water Harmony project closes the gap between the demand and supply in water, related to quality, quantity, circularity, reusability, human safety and economic feasibility. More -
Mass development of aquatic macrophytes - causes and consequences of macrophy...
Mass development of aquatic macrophytes - causes and consequences of macrophyte removal for ecosystem structure, function, and services. Mass development of aquatic macrophytes... -
Micro- and nanoplastics as carriers for the spread of chemicals and antibioti...
Micro and NANOplastics as CARRIERS for the spread of chemicals and antibiotic resistance in the aquatic envirnment An estimated 300 million tons of plastic were produced... -
IMPASSE – Impacts of MicroPlastics on AgrosystemS and Stream Environments
While it is widely known that microplastics (MPs) in the ocean are a serious environmental problem, the threat posed by MPs in agricultural lands is almost entirely unknown. A... -
TRACE - Tracking and assessing the risk from antibiotic resistant genes using...
Given the serious public health threat posed by antimicrobial resistance, it is important to investigate the potential role of surface water in amplifying the emergence and... -
An integrative information aqueduct (iAqueduct) is proposed to close the gaps between global satellite observation of water cycle and local needs of information for... -
This project aims to bring a solution to water and energy issues by achieving an optimized and energy free disinfection of urban wastewater using novel solar assisted-treatment... -
Water4ever Optimizing water use in agriculture to preserve soil and water re...
Optimizing water use in agriculture to preserve soil and water resources. More Main outputs Gao, Q., Zribi, M., Escorihuela, M.J., Baghdadi, N., 2017. Synergetic Use of... -
MeProWaRe - Novel methodology for the promotion of treated wastewater reuse ...
In the Mediterranean countries, there is an urgent need to develop novel methodologies to build trust among the different water users in terms of economic and environmental... -
SMARTECOPONICS-on-site microbial sensing for minimising environmental risks f...
The main objective of SMARTECOPONICS is the design and development of a novel approach for monitoring the main biological hazards affecting consumers of aquatic foods. This... -
Sustainability and competitiveness of European agriculture are intrinsically related to the efficient use of water, fertilisers and Plant Protection Products (PPP), for... -
Biorg4WasteWaterVal+: Bioorganic novel approaches for food processing waste w...
Food processing industry uses a large volume of fresh water to deliver safe food for humanity, which is obtained from public water providers or ground and spring water sources.... -
DEEP REST aim at developing a novel approach to improve our capacities for science-based spatial planning and management in two ecosystems threatened by deep-sea mining. It... -
Innovative Decentralized and low cost treatment systems for Optimal Urban was...
Innovative Decentralized and low cost treatment systems for Optimal Urban wastewater Management. Reuse of treated wastewater is increasingly seen as one of the solutions to... -
PROMOTE - PROtecting water resources from MObile TracE chemicals
Drinking water quality is potentially threatened by the release of chemicals that we are producing and using. If these chemicals are water soluble and poorly degradable or if... -
ACWAPUR - Accelerated Water Purification during Artificial Recharge of Aquif...
Water is essential for life, not only for direct consumption, but also for sanitary requirements, and for agricultural and industrial production. Pure drinking water is a... -
Control4Reuse - Process Control Technologies for Water Reuse
Control4Reuse is aimed at research and development of technologies for managing water resources. The optimization of water treatment and reclamation systems has been integrated...