Diversity and population structure along ...

URL: https://www.seanoe.org/data/00650/76246/

Abundances, density and size population structure of the dominant species (Bathymodiolus azoricus, Branchipolynoe seepensis, Amphisamytha lutzi, Lepetodrilus atlanticus, Pseudorimula midatlantica and Protolira valvatoides) along the recovery process within the different quadrats deployed on the active Montségur edifice, the peripheral area and the inactive structure on the Luky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic ridge). In total 29 faunal assemblages were collected, including 21 on the Montségur edifice (5 references, 8 pre-disturbance communities, 4 one year post-disturbance and 4 two years post-disturbance), 4 on the peripheral ares (2 pre-disturbance and 2 one year post-disturbance) and 4 on an inactive structure (2 pre-disturbance and 2 one year post-disturbance). Details on the sampling method and analyses are published in Marticorena et al. in prep.

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License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors Marticorena Julien, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarrazin Jozee
Publication date September 15, 2020
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version unknown
Created 11 months ago
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