

This Technical Report focuses on the work performed during the “second half” of the MUFFIN project, complemented with some summaries of the work performed during the “first half”. The report is divided into three sections: (1) The Joint Experiments. Three experiments pertinent to different key aspects urban flood forecasting, where the joint expertise of the different partners produce an added value. (2) Partner-specific Development. Descriptions of local observations, analysis and modelling by the partners related to the project objectives. (3) End-user Feedback. A summary of the feedback received from end-users associated with the project and an overview of how that feedback was considered in the project activities.

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Data last updated August 30, 2019
Metadata last updated unknown
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Format PDF
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Publication date unknown
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Created over 5 years ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 1974317
format PDF
id e251eb42-bc13-4632-898f-67f0ea37890b
last modified over 5 years ago
license id notspecified
on same domain True
package id 5027d087-25f7-4520-aa08-2f202890e517
position 9
publicationyear 2,019
revision id 9c7cf383-2063-489e-9187-f67e9eb155c0
state active
url type upload