
URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/5027d087-25f7-4520-aa08-2f202890e517/resource/595f9c6c-ada4-4b79-a2df-96ef0563de22/download/muffin_d3.3.pdf

The report provides an overview of the hydro-meteorological forcing data. Meteorological data - both observations and predictions - are collected at different spatial and temporal scales over the study areas. They are used as inputs to the hydrological models in the framework of the joint experiments to investigate crucial aspects related to the impacts of rainfall accuracy, spatial and temporal resolution and forecast lead time on the large and small scale flood forecasting in urban areas.

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Data last updated August 28, 2019
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format PDF
Authors unknown
Publication date unknown
Access level unknown
Version unknown
Created over 5 years ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 1223152
format PDF
id 595f9c6c-ada4-4b79-a2df-96ef0563de22
last modified over 5 years ago
license id notspecified
on same domain True
package id 5027d087-25f7-4520-aa08-2f202890e517
position 1
publicationyear 2,018
revision id 54eb79b1-ea44-4ba5-942e-aef112a4b190
state active
url type upload