D2.1_D2.3_MUFFIN end-user ...

URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/5027d087-25f7-4520-aa08-2f202890e517/resource/401d931e-ba5d-4da5-876f-d5e742df597a/download/d2.1_d2.3_muffin-end-user-specification_final_190826.pdf

Urban flooding, caused by extreme rainfall in combination with large areas of impervious surfaces and limited capacity of storm water sewer systems, is a major hazard today and is expected to increase in northern Europe as the climate changes. The development of early warning systems and urban flood forecasting systems are therefore crucial to the security and sustainability of cities. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) together with partners from the Technical University of Delft (TUD), Aalborg University (AAU), Aalto Uni-versity (AALTO) and the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) are cooperating in a study on Multi-scale Urban Flood Forecasting: From local tailored systems to a pan-European service (MUFFIN). The aim of MUFFIN is to bridge the gap between the urban and large-scale hydrologi-cal modelling communities and develop innovative tools for reducing the urban impacts of extreme precipitation, including sensor technology, systems for interpreting and communicating data, and monitoring networks that will contribute to improved integrated risk management solutions to urban floods. WP2 on “End-user value” has as a goal to optimize the process and outputs of the pro-ject with respect to practical value for relevant end-user categories. This is to ensure that the flood forecasting meets the specific and concrete needs of the urban users and can be integrated into their existing organizational structures and current use of forecasting.

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Data last updated September 6, 2019
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Created over 4 years ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 3404535
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id 401d931e-ba5d-4da5-876f-d5e742df597a
last modified over 4 years ago
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package id 5027d087-25f7-4520-aa08-2f202890e517
position 11
publicationyear 2,019
revision id fb6442ca-a693-470e-b200-e08d4238ba7a
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url type upload