StARE - Stopping antibiotic resistance evolution
The goal of StARE (Stopping Antibiotic Resistance Evolution) is to protect European citizens’s health and the environment via water quality research, by minimizing the impact of... -
PERSIST - Fate and peristence of emerging contaminants and MRB in a continuum...
Emerging organic contaminants (EOCphoto peps), such as pharmaceutical compounds, and mutli-resistant bacteria (MRB) represent a growing public health concern. Their source are... -
METAWATER - New metagenomics and molecular based tools for european scale ide...
The overall aim of the project is to develop European scale tools for the rapid evaluation of the role that irrigation water has in the transmission of existing, new and... -
MOTREM - Integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of emerging contam...
The project aims to provide new technologies for water treatment and/or improving the existing ones through the development of integrated processes for monitoring and treatment... -
TRACE - Tracking and assessing the risk from antibiotic resistant genes using...
Given the serious public health threat posed by antimicrobial resistance, it is important to investigate the potential role of surface water in amplifying the emergence and... -
PROMOTE - PROtecting water resources from MObile TracE chemicals
Drinking water quality is potentially threatened by the release of chemicals that we are producing and using. If these chemicals are water soluble and poorly degradable or if... -
FRAME - A novel Framework to Assess and manage contaminants of Emerging conce...
Emerging water pollutants (e.g., antibiotics, household chemicals) and pathogens (e.g. antibiotic-resistant bacteria, viruses) are only partially removed by conventional...