WE-NEED-Final-Meeting-Mixture toxicity ...

URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/3f0032ca-0645-485d-8e64-276d9370e8f6/resource/350c5c8b-eff7-423a-8b31-b9a292de81de/download/3.we-need-final-meeting-mixture-toxicity-predictions.pdf

Presentation at the WE-NEED final conference and international workshop (Milan, 12 June 2019)

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Data last updated August 2, 2019
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Created over 5 years ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 2353967
format PDF
id 350c5c8b-eff7-423a-8b31-b9a292de81de
last modified over 5 years ago
license id cc-by-sa
on same domain True
package id 3f0032ca-0645-485d-8e64-276d9370e8f6
position 22
publicationyear 2,019
revision id 6b9b417f-6c54-49fd-bf88-82c7e5aeaa87
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url type upload