SARA booklet on harmonised methods


A harmonisation of sampling and sample handling is critical in order to obtain comparable data. During the first project phase of the SARA project, the procedures used by all partners were harmonised. This includes the cultural detection of faecal indicator bacteria, bacteriophages and extented-spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli as indicator for anitibiotic resistant bacteria. The harmonisation of methods also includes the sample preparation for molecular biological analyses. For the molecular biological analyses, nucleic acids have to be extracted during the first step. After their extraction, the nucleic acids can be stabilised and easily exchanged. This booklet gives a detailed overview of these methods.

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License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors Stange, C.; Ho, J.; Blanch, A.; Toribio-Avedillo, D., Ballesté, E., Garcia-Aljaro, C.; Santos, R.; Monteiro, S.; Nasser, A., Vogel, T.M.; Sanchez-Cid, C.; Simonsson, M.; Tiehm, A.
Publication date June 30, 2022
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
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