PAF Pilot Plant by Università Politecnica ...


Video. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Partner of the Project, designed and implemented an innovative pilot to validate in demonstrative scale (TRL >5) new technologies for water supply

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated unknown
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format HTML
License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors unknown
Publication date August 9, 2021
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version unknown
Created over 2 years ago
Media type text/html
format HTML
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license title Creative Commons Attribution
license url
package id eb5fe7ff-ed28-4fc7-80df-f7e83e1ed6c7
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revision id b38edf6c-3a1d-4b5f-b5dc-5d92791519a7
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