D4 Report.pdf

URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/a047d7be-9e8d-434c-b3e0-f25887cfd500/resource/55f97bdb-d7dd-4328-b1ce-f819f3b2590b/download/d4-report.pdf

Deliverable report D4. This document presents a report on the work carried out under WP4 to identify basic indicators of up-to-date indicators for the evaluation of the societal benefits of NBS particularly in socio-economic challenging neighborhoods. The report is divided into three parts. The first part presents the results of an in-depth literature study covering 102 tools related to Nature Based Solutions. The aim of the review was to collect and evaluate as many tools as possible to identify the basic up-to-date indicators for the evaluation of the societal benefits of NBS particularly in socio-economic challenging neighborhoods indicators. All the tools were classified and the results of the work were collected in tabular form.

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Data last updated April 8, 2023
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Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution
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Publication date unknown
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
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Created over 1 year ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 1,120,686
format PDF
id 55f97bdb-d7dd-4328-b1ce-f819f3b2590b
last modified over 1 year ago
license id cc-by
license title Creative Commons Attribution
license url http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by
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package id a047d7be-9e8d-434c-b3e0-f25887cfd500
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revision id 9fcc1c86-f543-441a-b01e-7755f609dc13
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