Sub-inhibitory gentamicin pollution induces ...


Antibiotics at sub-inhibitory concentrations are often found in the environment. Here they could impose selective pressure on bacteria, leading to the selection and dissemination of antibiotic resistance, despite being under the inhibitory threshold. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of sub-inhibitory concentrations of gentamicin on environmental class 1 integron cassettes in natural river microbial communities. Gentamicin at sub-inhibitory concentrations promoted the integration and selection of gentamicin resistance genes (GmRG) in class 1 integrons after only a one-day exposure. Therefore, sub-inhibitory concentrations of gentamicin induced integron rearrangements, increasing the mobilization potential of gentamicin resistance genes and potentially increasing their dissemination in the environment. This study demonstrates the effects of antibiotics at sub-inhibitory concentrations in the environment and supports concerns about antibiotics as emerging pollutants.

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License Open Access
Authors Sanchez-Cid, C.; Ghaly, T.M.; Gillings, M.R.; Vogel, T.M.
Publication date May 27, 2023
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version unknown
Created 3 months ago
id e9462392-1fc0-4bc9-a323-678e2dc99b5a
license id info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
license title Open Access
license url
package id 8d738449-a7a6-435a-9f0e-91b2da5420bd
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