Spain NDVI (1981-2015)


We processed the complete 1.1-km spatial resolution NOAA–AVHRR afternoon images available over the last three decades (1981 – 2015) to obtain a NDVI dataset for peninsular Spain. The method included calibration with post-launch calibration coefficients, geometric and topographic corrections, cloud removal and temporal filtering. Daily NDVI images were composited in semi-monthly periods (two per each month: from 1st day of the month to the 15th, and from 16th to the end of the month) using the maximum NDVI recorded in the period. The web provides all the semi-monthly maps of the period 1981-2015. Moreover, the interface allows to plot the NDVI series of the whole period for each pixel and download this series in .cvs. The entire dataset can also be downloaded in NetCDF4 format.

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Format application/ecmascript
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Created over 5 years ago
Media type application/ecmascript
format application/ecmascript
id 692e5a41-04c0-4a42-8e31-35a1503a8107
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package id 95723638-dc62-4a0b-a460-e51a138e44e2
position 1
publicationyear 2,019
revision id fec4fc31-73fc-4b04-86b7-c2088a73b1bb
state active