Introduction to the session on multifunctional ...


The specialised session "Multifunctional wetland buffers: assessing synergies and constraints between different ecosystem services" was organized during 8th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control. WETPOL is an international conference bringing together wetland scientists, engineers and practitioners working on wetland ecosystem services, including water quality improvement, climate regulation and flood control.

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Data last updated July 21, 2019
Metadata last updated unknown
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Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Authors unknown
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Created over 5 years ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 4064217
format PDF
id 341caa7a-e8c0-404f-9aa2-e58f8c109841
last modified over 5 years ago
license id cc-by-sa
license title Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
license url
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