Radar-derived convective storms’ climatology ...

URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/95723638-dc62-4a0b-a460-e51a138e44e2/resource/c751e8b4-66c6-4efe-bedc-86e3f9045c25/download/burcea_2019.pdf

Weather radar measurements are used to study the climatology of convective storms and their characteristics in the transboundary Prut River basin. The Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) algorithm was used to process the volumetric reflectivity measurements, in order to identify, characterize, and track the convective storm cells. The storm attribute table output of the algorithm was used to separate the convective from the stratiform storm cells, by applying a simple selection criterion based on the average vertically integrated liquid (VIL) values. The radar-derived characteristics of convective storms were used to document the spatial and temporal distributions and storm properties in terms of duration, distance travelled, movement direction, and intensity. The results show that 94.3 % of all convective storm cells were detected during May–August, with the peak in July. The peak time for convective storm cells’ occurrence was in the afternoon and evening hours between 10:00 and 18:00 UTC. The median duration of a convective storm was 42 min, the median distance travelled was 23 km, and the median movement speed was 7.7 m s−1 . The average movement of storms varied with months, but overall most convective storms move from the south-west and south–southeast. Also, the analysis shows that the longer-lasting convective storms were the most intense. The spatial distribution of the convective cells reveals yearly variation patterns and hotspots but also highlights the limitations of radar measurement at longer distances. Reanalysis data suggest that low values of sea level pressure over the Black Sea can act as a dynamical driver of convective storms in the analysed area.

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Data last updated August 28, 2019
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Created over 5 years ago
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id c751e8b4-66c6-4efe-bedc-86e3f9045c25
last modified over 5 years ago
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package id 95723638-dc62-4a0b-a460-e51a138e44e2
position 4
publicationyear 2,019
revision id 295fffde-fa5b-4ce2-a6da-5bae884b12d5
state active
url type upload