SARA - Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistances in Aquat...
A better understanding of the fate of pathogenic viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from the sources to river basins and estuaries are urgently required. The SARA project... -
IMDROFLOOD: Improving Drought and Flood Early Warning, Forecasting and Mitiga...
Strengthen drought and flood forecasting and early warning is essential to improve adaptation to climate change. IMDROFLOOD plans different actions to improve the mitigation of... -
Project proposes innovative, transdisciplinary approach, by enabling an access to the potential water resources, currently neglected, i.e. water evaporated during drying of high... -
There is a need to close the demand and supply gap in terms of quantity and quality of water resources. Therefore, the project “Research-based Assessment of Integrated... -
OPERA-Operationalizing the increase of water use efficiency and resilience in...
Agriculture is confronted with changing weather patterns. For farmers this implies higher risks related to crop growth and field work conditions. Adequate, timely and spatially... -
Lakes and reservoirs are under continuous pressure from urbanization and agricultural intensification, and from changes in climate, including an increasing occurrence of extreme... -
ResPond is a project on temporary pond ecosystems in Europe and Morocco. The project collected data to help improve the conservation, restoration and management of these... -
Pioneer_STP - The Potential of Innovative Technologies to Improve Sustainabil...
Pioneer_STP addresses the challenges related to wastewater treatment (WWT) from a holistic perspective. Concepts such as resource recovery, sludge management, energy balance... -
WaterFARMING Improvement of water and nutrient retention and use efficiency i...
WaterFARMING goal is to enhance the water and nutrient retention capacity and improve use efficiency (Challenge 1) in diverse arable production systems across Europe and N.... -
SOSTPRO - SOurce STream (headwater) PROtection from forest practices: what a...
Source streams, or headwaters, are often provided with the least protection from forestry and other land uses. However, the impact on ecological status of small streams from... -
THERBIOR: Thermal energy recovery from a novel sequencing batch biofilter gra...
THERBIOR focuses on the development, implementation and diffusion of technologies to improve energy efficiency in wastewater treatment plants using a solar-assisted heat pump... -
STEEP STREAMS - Solid Transport Evaluation and Efficiency in Prevention: Sust...
The recent increase in intensity and frequency of meteorological and hydrological events in mountainous areas is recognized as one of the effects of climate change. Extreme... -
DESERT - Low cost water desalination and sensor technology compact module
The main aim of DESERT project is to create an innovative concept as a smart system combining sustainable technology on water treatment and water quality sensors, tuned to the... -
AQUAVAL - Valorisation of water use in aquaculture using multi trophic systems
AquaVal is framed in the subtopic in Challenge I the "water reuse and water recycling technologies in the agriculture and freshwater aquaculture sectors", with clear relation to... -
IoT for Supervision and Control of Water Systems
IoT for Supervision and Control of Water Systems Water transport and distribution systems must be carefully monitored and operated to avoid water losses, to save energy and to... -
ProWsper-How to PROtect Water, Soil and Plants production all togethER
The need for innovative strategies for water and soil protection that substitute the time-, energy- and resource-consuming remediation processes with other more efficient and... -
AgWIT - Agricultural Water Innovations in the Tropics
Identify improvements in resource use efficiencies and environmental performance of key crops produced via alternative water and soil management strategies under rainfed and... -
Evidence based assessment of NWRM for sustainable water management. EviBAN will increase the knowledge on evidence based, sustainable management of water resources. This will be... -
REWATER- Sustainable and safe water management in agriculture: Increasing the...
Water is a natural resource vital for social wellbeing and agriculture economy. Yet, during the past decades, geographic and climatic features, as well as active release of...