Forme 8.png


From the project abstract

Agriculture is confronted with changing weather patterns. For farmers this implies higher risks related to crop growth and field work conditions. Adequate, timely and spatially...

Source: OPERA-Operationalizing the increase of water use efficiency and resilience in irrigation

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated November 18, 2021
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format PNG
License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors unknown
Publication date unknown
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
Version unknown
Created over 2 years ago
Media type image/png
Size 2788
format PNG
has views True
id 0ba74953-6b04-4624-b218-c98caabf7e35
last modified over 2 years ago
license id cc-by
license title Creative Commons Attribution
license url
on same domain True
package id 2a2a87e0-5c84-42cd-a9da-ecac0bbb9257
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revision id 77e7405a-d961-4fbb-92f4-7eaf61fdfae4
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