Deliverable D2.1 Matrix of risks and ...


This report assessses the MAR-associated risks at six MAR sites from which are at different stages of development: three case studies at feasibility and pilot stage and three case studies at operational stage. The risk assessment study was conducted based on recommendations of international guidelines. The report may be used to assist in clarifying which actions or further investigations are required to reduce the uncertainty of risks and, if necessary, to implement remediation measures. In addition, this report intends to show how site-specific hazards have been assessed to varying degrees depending upon the level of risk assessed at each project development stage.

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Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors Sprenger, C., Panagiotou, K., Fernandes, L., Duzan, A., Baptista, V., Glass, J.
Publication date February 1, 2020
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version unknown
Created over 2 years ago
Media type application/pdf
format PDF
id ec8e5a41-d8dd-41cc-9570-ed4f68703f40
license id cc-by
license title Creative Commons Attribution
license url
package id dd7a64d1-6169-4d61-ad39-60969498fe97
revision id 7eed3bce-0a43-4c6a-a766-316c313825bf
state active