D1.3.10_211115-16 2nd annual meeting_EviBAN ...

URL: http://opendata.waterjpi.eu/dataset/de94c33a-617e-4ab0-b3d0-6f977f8f6fd2/resource/e23da255-62b1-4069-8b66-456401790ebf/download/d1.3.10_211115-16-2nd-annual-meeting_eviban-workshop-report.pdf

Report from 2nd annual meeting of the consortium in Orleans, France

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Data last updated May 8, 2023
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Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Authors BRGM
Publication date November 15, 2021
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
Version 1.0
Created over 1 year ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 23276818
format PDF
id e23da255-62b1-4069-8b66-456401790ebf
last modified over 1 year ago
license id cc-by-sa
license title Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
license url http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by-sa
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