Multimodal silver-chitosan-acylase ...


Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria originate severe infections in hospitalized patients and those with chronic debilitating diseases leading to increased morbidity and mortality, longer hospitalization and huge financial burden to the healthcare system. The clinical relevance of P. aeruginosa infections is increased by the capability of this bacterium to grow in biofilms and develop multidrug resistant mechanisms that preclude conventional antibiotic treatments. Herein, we engineered novel multimodal nanocomposites that integrate in the same entity antimicrobial silver nanoparticles (NPs), the intrinsically antimicrobial, but biocompatible biopolymer chitosan, and the anti-infective quorum quenching enzyme acylase I. Acylase present in the NPs specifically degraded the signal molecules governing bacterial cell-to-cell communication and inhibited by ~ 55 % P. aeruginosa biofilm formation, while the silver/chitosan template altered the integrity of bacterial membrane, leading to complete eradication of planktonic bacteria. The innovative combination of multiple bacteria targeting modalities resulted in 100-fold synergistic enhancement of the antimicrobial efficacy of the nanocomposite at lower and nonhazardous towards human skin cells concentrations, compared to the silver/chitosan NPs alone.

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Data last updated October 3, 2024
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License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors Ferreres G., Ivanova K., Torrent-Burgués J., Tzanov T.
Publication date May 5, 2023
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version 1
Created 5 months ago
Media type application/pdf
Size 3859460
format PDF
id bba95bcd-201c-4857-8311-a952f8c9b456
last modified 5 months ago
license id cc-by
license title Creative Commons Attribution
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