Nanomaterials and Coatings for Managing ...


Given the growing number and impact of resistant bacteria, there is an urgent need to design novel strategies in order to outsmart bacterial evolutionary mechanisms. Antibiotic-free approaches that attenuate virulence through interruption of quorum sensing, prevent adhesion via EPM degradation, or kill pathogens by novel mechanisms that are less likely to cause resistance have gained considerable attention in the war against biofilm infections. Thereby, nanoformulation offers significant advantages due to the enhanced antibacterial efficacy and better penetration into the biofilm compared to bulk therapeutics of the same composition. This review highlights the latest developments in the field of nanoformulated quorum-quenching actives, antiadhesives, and bactericides, and their use as colloid suspensions and coatings on medical devices to reduce the incidence of biofilm-related infections.

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Additional Information

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Data last updated unknown
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License Creative Commons Attribution
Authors Ferreres G., Ivanova K., Ivanov I., Tzanov T.
Publication date February 2, 2023
Access level info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Version unknown
Created 5 months ago
id ab7325ff-1b88-4975-aec1-2f8d258699e2
license id cc-by
license title Creative Commons Attribution
license url
package id faaf5b3c-9390-4ff3-83d4-1f24c5651bc1
position 7
revision id a8daf940-f31c-4105-8c3c-007ef7153182
state active